What are the different types of traffic signs ?

 As per IRC:67-1977 code of practice, traffic signs are classified into the following three categories :-

  1. Warning signs or danger signs or cautionary signs
  2. Regulatory signs -
    1. prohibitory signs
    2. mandatory signs
  3. Informatory signs -
    1. Indication signs
    2. Direction and advance direction signs.
    3. Place and route identification signs.
    Warning signs are used to warn road users of hazardous conditions on or adjacent to the road. This is also used to indicate the approach to a place where caution is required. The use of warning signs should be kept to a minimum, because unnecessary use of signs tends to breed disrespect for all signs.

   Regulatory signs are used to inform road users of certain laws and regulations to provide safe and smooth movement of traffic. It is further sub-divided into two parts - (i) prohibitory signs and (ii) mandatory signs.
Prohibitory signs are intended to inform the road users of traffic laws or regulations.



 Mandatory signs are intended to convey definite positive instruction when it is desired that motorist take some positive action. The two most common mandatory signs are stop sign and giveway sign.


  The stop sign are used to stop all vehicles before the stop line. Giveway sign is used to assign right of way to traffic on certain approaches to an intersection.


      Informatory signs are intended to guide the road user and to give information of intersecting routes, cities, towns and other important destinations.


Thank you.

civil engineering




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