Traversing method of plane surveying

 Traversing method of plane table surveying includes following steps :-

  • All traverse stations A, B, C and D are selected.
  • The plane table is set up over the starting point 'A' and by using U-fork, point 'A' is transferred on the drawing sheet as 'a'.
  • The plane table is oriented so that the area to be surveyed, falls on the table.
  • A magnetic North line is drawn with a box compass.
  • Pivoting the alidade about 'a', we sight the next station B and draw a ray along the fiducial edge of alidade.
  • The distance AB is measured and a line 'ab' is plotted on the ray by taking suitable scale.
  • The table is shifted to station 'B' and centered such that the ray 'ab' passed vertically above the ground point 'B'.

  • Alidade is placed along the ray 'ba' and table is rotated till ground station A is sighted. Then, it is clamped.
  • Pivoting the alidade about 'b', the next station C is sighted and 'bc' is platted on the  ray drawn towards the station C.
  • Similarly, the plane table is set up on the other succeeding stations C and D till the last station is plotted. The plotted position of the last station should normally coincide with the location of the first station in case of a closed circuit.
Thank you.


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