Drawings required for road projects

 There are many kinds of drawing are prepared for establishing a road project.

  1. KEY MAP - It shows the proposed & existing roads & important places to be connected.
  2. INDEX MAP - It shows the general topography of the area/site by using symbols.
  3. PRELIMINARY SURVEY PLANS - It shows details of various alternate alignments.
  4. DETAILED PLAN - It shows the ground plan with alignment & the boundaries including existing structures.
  5. LONGITUDINAL SECTIONS - It shows the details of longitudinal section such as datum line, existing ground surface and vertical profile of the proposed road and position of drainage crossings.
  6. DETAILED CROSS- SECTION - They are drawn at every 100m interval or where there are abrupt changes in level. It shows the area of cutting and filling.
  7. LAND AQUISITION PLANS & SCHEDULES - It shows all general details such as building, wells, nature of gradients and other details required for assessing the values.
  8. DETAILED DESIGN FOR CROSS-DRAINAGE AND MASONRY STRUCTURES - It shows the details of any complicated portion of the structure like cross-drainage work.
  9. LAND PLANS FOR QUARRIES - A separate land plans is prepared, if any quarry exists for construction materials.

Thank you.


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