Bogues compounds and their properties.

 When water is added to the cement, its ingredients react to each other with the help of water and forms some complex chemical compounds. These complex compounds are called Bogues compound. They are -

  1. Di - calcium silicate
  2. Tri - calcium silicate
  3. Tri - calcium aluminate
  4. Tetra calcium alumino Ferrite

Properties of Bogues compound -

  • It is having faster chemical reaction with greater heat of hydration as compared to C2S.
  • It is responsible for maximum strength of cement.
  • It contributes in strength from 24 hours and last upto 28 days, where maximum contribution due to C3S last upto 14 days.
  • In rapid hardening cement, C3S containing is more as compared to OPC.
C2S -
  • It is having slow hydration and less heat of hydration.
  • It imparts more contribution in later days strength. (14 days to 28 days)
  • It is more stable compound than C3S.
C3A -
  • It is responsible for faster chemical reaction and very high heat of hydration.
  • It contributes in strengths of 24 hours.
  • Flash setting property occurs due to formation of C3A. 
  • It is highly unstable compound. If the cement is having greater content of C3A, then cement is liable for crack in structure.
  • It is weak against chemical attack.
C4AF -
  • It is also having faster rate of reaction or high rate of hydration as compared to C3S and C2A but less than C3A.
  • It has very less contribution in strength.
  • It is more stable than C3A because less heat of hydration as compared to C3A.
Thank you.


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