Hydrological cycle - definition, terms used and diagram.

 Hydrological cycle is the cycle of circulation of water in the environment. It is the process in which water moves from one state or phase to another state or phase.

   water from the water body like ocean, river, ponds etc. evaporates and goes to the atmosphere where it forms clouds. After condensation, they move towards the earth in form of precipitation and again stored in the water body (ocean, river, ponds etc.). Thus, water forms a cycle which is called hydrological cycle. 

  It is a continuous process which has been taking place since thousand years ago and will continue till the end of earth's age.


Evaporation - It is conversion of water from liquid state to vapour state. It takes place due to the sun (ultimate source of energy).

Precipitation - It is defined as the fall of moisture from atmosphere to the earth surface. It may takes place in various forms. Precipitation occurs in form of rain, drizzle, snow, glaze, hail and sleet. Rain is the principle mode of precipitation.

Interception - It is short term retention of water on the top surface of vegetation.

Infiltration - It is the movement of water into the soil.

Transpiration - It is the phenomena in which soil moisture taken up through the roots of the plants ans discharge it into the atmosphere through leaves by evaporation.

Runoff - It is the portion of precipitation which makes its way towards the river or water body. In other words, it is the part of rainfall which run over the earth surface.

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