Different grades of OPC (Ordinary Portland Cement)

 The grade of cement indicates the bearing strength of cement. The cement strength is measured after 28 days with proper curing. Proper curing is very essential to get the full compressive strength of cement, because it controls rate of hydration.

Mainly 3 different grades of cement are commonly used.

  1. GRADE - 33
  2. GRADE - 43
  3. GRADE - 53

Grade - 33

The grade-33 Portland cement shows their high workability as compared to other grades. In mortar for plaster and for masonry, the grade 33 was commonly used.

Its crushing strength,

  • after 3 days - 16 N/mm²
  • after 7 days - 22 N/mm²
  • after 28 days - 33 N/mm²

It always cover the specification of IS CODE 269.

Grade - 43

The grade 43 portland cement is generally used in R.C.C. and R.M.C. It has good ability to resist sulfate and has a low chloride content. By using this grade we get good and smooth surface output.

Its strength after

  • 3 days - 23 N/mm²
  • 7 days - 33 N/mm²
  • 28 days - 43 N/mm²

It always cover the specification of IS CODE 8112.

Grade - 53

In grade 53 cement, the low content of chloride is present and has a good ability to resist sulfate. The quantity of cement required less in volume because this grade has a high strength as compare to other grades. It is broadly used in construction of R.C.C bridges, pre-cast building, factories building, sleepers for railways etc.

Its strength after

  • 3 days - 27 N/mm²
  • 7 days - 37 N/mm²
  • 28 days - 53 N/mm²

It always cover the specification of IS CODE 12269.

Thank you.


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