Lug angle and tension splice - Introduction

 Lug angle -

  • Lug angle is an angle section of short length which connects the outstanding legs of angle section or member to the gusset plate. 
  • It reduces the length of connection to the gusset plate and also reduces the shear lag effect. 
  •  When the lug angle is used, the unconnected length of main angle acts like a connected leg and hence entire cross-section area start resisting the tension. Thus, shear lag effect reduces and efficiency of the tension member increases. 
  •  Lug angle provides extra gauge line to accommodate the numbers of bolts.
Tension splice -
  • Tension splice are the cover plates used on both sides of butt jointed members.
  • A tension member is spliced when the length of section available is less than that of tension member required.
  • when the members of different thickness are spliced, packing is required to fill the gap.
  • The area of splices should be slightly more than that the member joined.
  • It is also used when the size of the member changes at different lengths.
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