Multiple Choice Questions from Geometric Design of Highway.

Go through these questions and test yourself.

1. The portion of the road surface which is used by the vehicular traffic is known as

  1. Carriage Way
  2. Shoulder
  3. Expressway
  4. All of these

Answer - Carriage Way

2. Geometric design of highway deals with

  1. Cross section elements
  2. Sight distance consideration
  3. Horizontal alignment details
  4. All of the above
Answer - All of the above

3. Which of the following term doesn't come under cross section elements ?

  1. Camber
  2. Kerbs
  3. Carriage Way
  4. Right of way
Answer - Right of way

4. As per IRC recommendations, the coefficient of longitudinal friction varies from

  1. 0.35 - 0.38
  2. 0.30 - 0.35
  3. 0.35 - 0.4
  4. 0.4 - 0.45
Answer - 0.35 - 0.4

5. As per IRC, coefficient of lateral friction should be 

  1. 0.12
  2. 0.15
  3. 0.18
  4. 0.20
Answer - 0.15

6. Longitudinal friction is useful in 

  1. Sight distance calculation
  2. Horizontal curve design
  3. Width of pavement calculation
  4. (a) and (b) both
Answer - Sight distance calculation

7. An unevenness index value less than ________ is considered as good

  1. 1200 mm/km
  2. 1500 mm/km
  3. 1600 mm/km
  4. 2500 mm/km
Answer - 1500 mm/km

8. In aspects of light reflection, white roads have

  1. Good visibility at night
  2. Poor visibility at night
  3. Less glare during day time
  4. None of these
Answer - Good visibility at night

9. For single lane road, width of carriageway is 

  1. 5.5 m
  2. 3.5 m
  3. 3.75 m
  4. 7 m
Answer - 3.75 m

10. For multi-lane pavements, carriageway is 

  1. 3.75 m per lane
  2. 3.5 m per lane
  3. 3.2 m per lane
  4. 4 m per lane
Answer - 3.5 m per lane

11. For two lanes with raised kerbs, carriageway is
  1. 7.5 m
  2. 7 m
  3. 7.75 m
  4. 6.5 m
Answer - 7.5 m

12. For earth road in heavy rainfall area, cross slope should be
  1. 1 in 50
  2. 1 in 40
  3. 1 in 33
  4. 1 in 25
Answer - 1 in 25

13. Minimum width of medians for expressway is
  1. 10 m
  2. 15 m
  3. 1.2 m
  4. 5 m
Answer - 10 m

14. The height of semi barrier type kerbs is
  1. 10 cm
  2. 15 cm
  3. 20 cm
  4. 18 cm
Answer - 15 cm

15. Width of formation of roadway is equal to
  1. Carriageway + Shoulder
  2. Carriageway - Shoulder
  3. Carriageway + Separators + Shoulder
  4. Shoulder + Separators
Answer - Carriageway + Separators + Shoulder

16. The highest point on carriageway is known as
  1. Crown
  2. Camber
  3. Superelevation
  4. Gradient
Answer - Crown

17. The rate of rise or fall of a road along its alignment is known as
  1. Side slope
  2. Gradient
  3. Superelevation
  4. Lay byes
Answer - Gradient

18. The minimum land width required for NH and SH in built up area should be
  1. 30.5 m
  2. 24.4 m
  3. 15.5 m
  4. 46 m
Answer - 24.4 m

19. As per IRC, the maximum width of vehicle should be
  1. 2 m
  2. 3.8 m
  3. 2.44 m
  4. 1.58 m
Answer - 2.44 m

20. As per IRC, the slope of earth in cutting should be
  1. 1:2
  2. 1:3
  3. 1:4
  4. 1:1
Answer - 1:1

21. The width of shoulders provided on a road side varies between 1.2 m and
  1. 1.8 m
  2. 2.5 m
  3. 6 m
  4. 0.6 m
Answer - 1.8 m

22. The value of ruling gradient in plains as per IRC is
  1. 1 in 10
  2. 1 in 15
  3. 1 in 20
  4. 1 in 30
Answer - 1 in 30

23. Pick out the correct sequence from following
  1. Ruling gradient > Limiting gradient > Exceptional gradient
  2. Ruling gradient < Limiting gradient < Exceptional gradient
  3. Limiting gradient < Ruling gradient < Exceptional gradient
  4. None of these
Answer - Ruling gradient < Limiting gradient < Exceptional gradient

24. As per IRC, for design speed 60 kmph safe stopping sight distance should be
  1. 60 m
  2. 90 m
  3. 80 m
  4. 120 m
Answer - 80 m

Thank you.


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