PIEV theory in transportation engineering.

 Today I will induce you with PIEV theory which have great importance in transportation engineering.

So, now let me explain.

Assume that you are a newbie in cycling. You have just learnt to ride a cycle. You have not much experience and you often get confused when a vehicle or obstacle comes in front of you.

Now let you are riding a cycle as you feel comfortable. Suddenly you see a obstacle and hit the brake and stop the cycle. It seems very easy in practical but its principle is quite interesting. It is based on PIEV theory.

  • P - Perception 
  • I - Intellection
  • E - Emotion
  • V - Volition
You watched the obstacle and brake the cycle. The time you took to brake the cycle is called braking time.

Braking time = perception time + intellection time + emotion time + volition time.

Perception time -When you see the obstacle or hear some undesirable sounds, you eyes or ears to send the sensations to the brain through the nervous system and spinal chord. The time taken by your eyes or ears to send the sensation to the brain is called perception time.

Intellection time - It is the time taken by your brain to understand the situation and to think on different thoughts which come in your mind.

Emotion time - Now after understanding the situation, you go through feelings of fear or anger or comfortable. The time you take to feel the emotional condition is called emotion time.

Volition time - Now, take an action. The time you take to perform an action is called volition time.

     PIEV theory is applied on both a newbie or an experienced driver. but it is also possible that the driver may apply brakes without thinking.

Note - Taking an action not only means applying brake but also something else.


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