
Showing posts from March, 2021

Important irrigation projects of India

 There are numerous large irrigation projects have been established in for the agricultural development of India. In this article, we will mention the some important irrigation projects with their location and the service they provide. 1. Nagarjunasagar project (Andhra Pradesh) Location - across the river Krishna in Nalgonda district. Type - composite earth and masonry dam. Size - 4865 m long and 125 m high. Benefit - irrigates 8.3 lakh ha. 2. Godavari barrage (Andhra Pradesh) Location - across the river Godavari in East Godavari district. Type - barrage. Size - 3600 m long with 175 bays Benefit - irrigates 5.2 lakh ha. 3. Gandak project (Bihar) Location - across the river Gandak at Valmikinagar in Champaran district. Type - barrage, multipurpose scheme. Size - 740 m long. Benefit - irrigates 15.07 lakh ha in India and Nepal, 15,000 kW Power house as a gift to Nepal. 4. Ukai project (Gujarat) Location - across river Tapti in Surat district. Type - composite earth and maso

Why are the buildings made higher ?

 In the modern era, a culture of higher building has been developed. All the big cities in this world have higher buildings in great numbers. Now, the question comes in our mind is that what is the need of higher building ? Why we are frequently constructing high rise buildings?  With the development of our cities, it became a need to accommodate the city's population. This need promotes the city to grow horizontally as well as vertically. The construction of higher buildings is the part of this development. In this article, we will talk about causes and effects of Higher building.  Before talking about higher buildings, we need to understand the term 'urban sprawl'. Urban sprawl means outwards expansion of city. The cities for which space is not an issue, urban sprawl is an easy solution for a growing population. but we can't leave the cities to expand outwardly. It has adverse effects on the environment as well as on the society. Urban sprawl requires a large network

Why is the false ceiling becoming popular ?

 False ceiling is continuously getting a popularity these days. Installing a false ceiling was the part of offices, hotel, auditoriums, meeting halls and other public gathering places before. But in recent years it has become popular in residential building and also a symbol of modernity. False ceiling is the ceiling which is established below the traditional one. It is hung below the traditional ceiling. It is the part of finishing not the part of construction. It is the matter of appearance not of strength. False ceiling may be of various types - Gypsum false ceiling, plaster of parish false ceiling and wood ceiling etc. Among these types, gypsum board ceiling is more common. But why is the false ceiling becoming popular ? False ceilings are becoming popular due their efficacy, which they carry.  Installing a false ceiling is an easy task with suitable tools. It hides the wiring components and gives a clear look to the ceiling. In case of ceiling, it is easy to dismantle and resembl

Ultrasonic pulse velocity test

  Ultrasonic pulse velocity method is an non-destructive test which is used to determine the compressive strength of concrete structure without any damage. This method consists of measuring the time of travel of and ultrasonic pulse passing through the concrete to be tested. In this method, A pulse generator circuit is used which consists of electronic circuit and transducer. Electronic circuit generates pulses and transducer transforms it into mechanical energy having vibration frequencies in the range of 15 to 50 kHz. The time of travel between initial onset and the reception of the pulse is measured electronically. The path length between transducer divided by the time of travel gives the average velocity of wave propagation. When mechanical impulses are applied to a solid mass, three different kinds of waves are generated - longitudinal wave, shear wave and surface wave. The longitudinal waves travel about twice as fast as the other two types. The shear waves are not so fast, the

Shrinkage of concrete - Plastic, Drying and Thermal shrinkage

 Shrinkage of concrete means volumetric change in concrete which affects the long term strength and durability of concrete. It is an inherent property of concrete. It appears in form of cracks.   Shrinkage of concrete is classified in three category - Plastic shrinkage Drying shrinkage Thermal shrinkage Plastic shrinkage - This type of shrinkage occurs when concrete is in plastic stage or we can say it occurs just after the concrete is placed. Plastic shrinkage takes place due to loss of water by evaporation or absorption by aggregate. poorly made concrete with high water - cement ratio. unintended vibration or yielding of formwork. extreme bleeding at the same time rapid drying. Plastic shrinkage crack can be reduced by preventing the rapid loss of water on surface. This is done by covering the surface with polythene sheet after placing the concrete immediately. by working at night. by applying mono-molecular coating by fog-spray. Drying shrinkage - After placing the concrete, it un

Bogues compounds and their properties.

 When water is added to the cement, its ingredients react to each other with the help of water and forms some complex chemical compounds . These complex compounds are called Bogues compound. They are - Di - calcium silicate Tri - calcium silicate Tri - calcium aluminate Tetra calcium alumino Ferrite Properties of Bogues compound - C3S -  It is having faster chemical reaction with greater heat of hydration as compared to C2S. It is responsible for maximum strength of cement. It contributes in strength from 24 hours and last upto 28 days, where maximum contribution due to C3S last upto 14 days. In rapid hardening cement, C3S containing is more as compared to OPC. C2S - It is having slow hydration and less heat of hydration. It imparts more contribution in later days strength. (14 days to 28 days) It is more stable compound than C3S. C3A - It is responsible for faster chemical reaction and very high heat of hydration. It contributes in strengths of 24 hours. Flash setting property occur

Dry process of manufacturing Portland cement

 There are two process of manufacturing cement - 1) Dry process and 2) Wet process.   In dry process, water is not mixed with raw materials during manufacturing process while in wet process, mixing of water takes place while manufacturing.   The raw materials used for manufacture of Portland cement are calcareous materials like lime stone and argillaceous materials like clay . Dry process of cement includes following steps :- The raw materials are first reduced in size of about 25 mm in crushers. A current of dry air is then passed over these dried materials. These materials are then pulverized into fine powder in ball mills and tube mills.  All of the above operations are done separately for each raw material and they are stored in hoppers. They are then mixed in correct proportions and burned in a rotary kiln at a temperature of about 1300 - 1500 degree celsius. In the kiln, the materials sinter and then they gets fused to form nodular shaped clinker.  The clinker is cooled and groun

What are the different types of traffic signs ?

 As per IRC:67-1977 code of practice, traffic signs are classified into the following three categories :- Warning signs or danger signs or cautionary signs Regulatory signs - prohibitory signs mandatory signs Informatory signs - Indication signs Direction and advance direction signs. Place and route identification signs. 1. WARNING SIGNS -     Warning signs are used to warn road users of hazardous conditions on or adjacent to the road. This is also used to indicate the approach to a place where caution is required. The use of warning signs should be kept to a minimum, because unnecessary use of signs tends to breed disrespect for all signs. 2. REGULATORY SIGNS -    Regulatory signs are used to inform road users of certain laws and regulations to provide safe and smooth movement of traffic. It is further sub-divided into two parts - (i) prohibitory signs and (ii) mandatory signs. Prohibitory signs are intended to inform the road users of traffic laws or regulations.       Mandatory sig

Traversing method of plane surveying

 Traversing method of plane table surveying includes following steps :- All traverse stations A, B, C and D are selected. The plane table is set up over the starting point 'A' and by using U-fork, point 'A' is transferred on the drawing sheet as 'a'. The plane table is oriented so that the area to be surveyed, falls on the table. A magnetic North line is drawn with a box compass. Pivoting the alidade about 'a', we sight the next station B and draw a ray along the fiducial edge of alidade. The distance AB is measured and a line 'ab' is plotted on the ray by taking suitable scale. The table is shifted to station 'B' and centered such that the ray 'ab' passed vertically above the ground point 'B'. Alidade is placed along the ray 'ba' and table is rotated till ground station A is sighted. Then, it is clamped. Pivoting the alidade about 'b', the next station C is sighted and 'bc' is platted on the  ray d

Temporary adjustment of theodolite

 The adjustment which is required to be made at every instrument station before making observations, is known as temporary adjustments .  The temporary adjustment of theodolite includes following operations :- 1) Setting up and centering the theodolite - In this operation, the centering of theodolite over the ground mark and approximate leveling is done. Procedure - A plumb bob is suspended with a string attached to the bottom of the instrument. The theodolite is place over the station mark by spreading the legs well apart so that telescope is at a convenient height. The tripod legs are moved radially and circumferentially till the plum bob hangs within 1 cm horizontally of the station mark. 2) Leveling of a theodolite - The operation of making the vertical axis of theodolite truly vertical, is known as leveling of the theodolite. Procedure - The level tube is made parallel to the line joining any two foot-screws by turning the horizontal plate. The bubble is brought at the centre b

Hydrological cycle - definition, terms used and diagram.

  Hydrological cycle is the cycle of circulation of water in the environment. It is the process in which water moves from one state or phase to another state or phase.    water from the water body like ocean, river, ponds etc. evaporates and goes to the atmosphere where it forms clouds. After condensation, they move towards the earth in form of precipitation and again stored in the water body (ocean, river, ponds etc.). Thus, water forms a cycle which is called hydrological cycle.    It is a continuous process which has been taking place since thousand years ago and will continue till the end of earth's age. TERMS USED IN HYDROLOGICAL CYCLE Evaporation - It is conversion of water from liquid state to vapour state. It takes place due to the sun (ultimate source of energy). Precipitation - It is defined as the fall of moisture from atmosphere to the earth surface. It may takes place in various forms. Precipitation occurs in form of rain, drizzle, snow, glaze, hail and sleet. Rain

What are the characteristics of an ideal pavement ?

 There are four characteristics which are considered crucial for an ideal pavement surface. They are  friction unevenness light reflection drainage Friction   As we know, friction is essential to move any body. whether it is human or a particle or a vehicle, they all need frictional force to move forward.   Thus, friction between wheel and pavement is an essential consideration in designing pavement surface. It affects the acceleration and deceleration ability of vehicle. If sufficient friction force is not generated between the surface and wheels, it may cause skidding and slipping. Skidding happens when the path traveled along the road surface is more than the circumferential movement of the wheels. Ex.- when we applied brake while driving bicycle, the wheels slide without revolving. It is the phenomena of skidding. Slipping occurs when the wheel revolves more than the corresponding longitudinal movement along the road. Ex.- when the vehicle gets stuck in the mud, its tyre revolves a

Drawings required for road projects

 There are many kinds of drawing are prepared for establishing a road project. KEY MAP  - It shows the proposed & existing roads & important places to be connected. INDEX MAP  - It shows the general topography of the area/site by using symbols. PRELIMINARY SURVEY PLANS  - It shows details of various alternate alignments. DETAILED PLAN  - It shows the ground plan with alignment & the boundaries including existing structures. LONGITUDINAL SECTIONS  - It shows the details of longitudinal section such as datum line, existing ground surface and vertical profile of the proposed road and position of drainage crossings. DETAILED CROSS- SECTION  - They are drawn at every 100m interval or where there are abrupt changes in level. It shows the area of cutting and filling. LAND AQUISITION PLANS & SCHEDULES  - It shows all general details such as building, wells, nature of gradients and other details required for assessing the values. DETAILED DESIGN FOR CROSS-DRAINAGE AND MASONRY ST

Different grades of OPC (Ordinary Portland Cement)

  The grade of cement indicates the bearing strength of cement. The cement strength is measured after 28 days with proper curing. Proper curing is very essential to get the full  compressive strength  of cement, because it controls rate of hydration. Mainly 3 different grades of cement are commonly used. GRADE - 33 GRADE - 43 GRADE - 53 Grade - 33 The grade-33 Portland cement shows their high workability as compared to other grades. In mortar for plaster and for masonry, the grade 33 was commonly used. Its crushing strength, after 3 days - 16 N/mm² after 7 days - 22 N/mm² after 28 days - 33 N/mm² It always cover the specification of  IS CODE 269. Grade - 43 The grade 43 portland cement is generally used in R.C.C. and R.M.C. It has good ability to resist sulfate and has a low chloride content. By using this grade we get good and smooth surface output. Its strength after 3 days - 23 N/mm² 7 days - 33 N/mm² 28 days - 43 N/mm² It always cover the specification of  IS CODE 8112. Grade - 53