
Introduction of steel (types, mechanical properties, stress-strain curve, advantages and disadvantages).

Steel - It is an important structural material which is broadly used to construct structural member. It is an alloy of pure iron, carbon, chromium, Nickel and some other elements. In the steel, corrosion exists. Stainless steel - It is the alloy of pure iron and chromium. 11% chromium content are present. It is a corrosion resistance material. Types of steel - Effect of carbon content on steel characteristics- If carbon content in steel increases, the strength, hardness and brittleness will increase. If carbon content in steel decreases, the strength of steel will decrease and ductility of the steel will increase. Steel becomes soft. Stress-strain curve of Mild steel - OAB - It represents a straight line curve. The strain produced is proportional to the stress producing it. i.e, it obeys Hooke's law. A - represents the limit of proportionality - the stress beyond which linear variation ceases. B - represents the elastic limit - the maximum stress up to which a specimen regains its

Planning of building - Orientation

 Planning of a building includes various principles such as aspect, prospect, orientation, privacy, circulation, grouping, roominess etc. Today we will talk about the principle of orientation. so, now let's start.   Orientation means arrangement of rooms with respect to the north direction. In a plan of building, we can place the all types of rooms in various way. Some way may be effective or some way may be ineffective or unattractive. Generally, people make the plan themselves for their proposed residential building and in this connection they get quite confused in placement of rooms like kitchen, bathroom, living room, bedrooms, study room, store room etc. So, today I will give you a idea of how to place different types of room to get a pleasant feeling.  According to civil engineering, the plan should be oriented with respect to the north in such a way that kitchen lies towards east and north - east, bedrooms are towards south to southwest and maximum hall windows should face

Get a plan for your newly proposed building.

  Hi guys,  Are you looking for a plan for your newly proposed building? Are you facing a problem in designing a plan for your house or office? Have you to construct a building according to a great plan?   If you have these questions, then I am here to solve your problem.  Thank you.

Analysis of perfect frame (Truss)

  Definition of frame A structure made up of several bars riveted or welded together is known as frame. Types of frame There are two types of frame - Perfect frame and  Imperfect frame Perfect frame - A perfect frame is the which follows the equation n = 2j - 3. where, n = number of members and  j = number of joints In this type of frame, the number of members are just sufficient to keep the frame in equilibrium under an external load. There is no extra member is present in a perfect frame. Imperfect frame - An imperfect frame is one which does not follow the n = 2j - 3 equation. If the number of members in a frame are less than ( 2j - 3 ) then the frame is known as deficient frame. If the number of members in a frame are more than ( 2j -3 ) then the frame is called redundant frame. Assumptions made in analysis of frame The following assumptions are made in finding out the forces in a frame -  The frame is a perfect frame.  The frame carries load at the joints. All the members are pin

PIEV theory in transportation engineering.

 Today I will induce you with PIEV theory which have great importance in transportation engineering. So, now let me explain. Assume that you are a newbie in cycling. You have just learnt to ride a cycle. You have not much experience and you often get confused when a vehicle or obstacle comes in front of you. Now let you are riding a cycle as you feel comfortable. Suddenly you see a obstacle and hit the brake and stop the cycle. It seems very easy in practical but its principle is quite interesting. It is based on PIEV theory. P - Perception  I - Intellection E - Emotion V - Volition You watched the obstacle and brake the cycle. The time you took to brake the cycle is called braking time. Braking time = perception time + intellection time + emotion time + volition time. Perception time - When you see the obstacle or hear some undesirable sounds, you eyes or ears to send the sensations to the brain through the nervous system and spinal chord. The time taken by your eyes or ears to send t

Nominal mix - Definition and grades.

The concrete proportion of M5 to M25 grade concrete are called Nominal mix.   Nominal mix is generally adopted for small scale constructions. In this type of mix, the mix ratios and concrete constituent proportions are prefixed and specified. Example- For M20 grade of concrete, the quantity of cement, sand aggregate is batched in volume as per the fixed ratio 1:1.5:3. Thank you.

How to identify fake and genuine cement ?

How to identify fake and genuine cement ? The answer of this question should be known to everyone because it is very useful in our practical life. So, now let me explain.   By doing some simple activity we can distinguish between the fake cement and genuine one. You can do these small efforts -  Open the bag and take a look at the cement. If any visible lumps are present and feel oily when it is touched, it is an adulterated or fake cement otherwise not. If you push your hand inside the cement bag and you get cool feeling then it is fine otherwise fake one. Take a pinch of cement and rub it between the fingers. If it give smooth feeling then it is fine. Throw a handful of cement in the bucket having water, if particles float for sometime, it is genuine one. Take a cement sample on a steel plate and heat it on stove. After sometime, if the color of cement changes then it is adulterated otherwise not. Thus, you can differentiate the fake and genuine cement by going through some little ef