How to identify fake and genuine cement ?

How to identify fake and genuine cement ?

The answer of this question should be known to everyone because it is very useful in our practical life.

So, now let me explain.

  By doing some simple activity we can distinguish between the fake cement and genuine one. You can do these small efforts -

  •  Open the bag and take a look at the cement. If any visible lumps are present and feel oily when it is touched, it is an adulterated or fake cement otherwise not.
  • If you push your hand inside the cement bag and you get cool feeling then it is fine otherwise fake one.
  • Take a pinch of cement and rub it between the fingers. If it give smooth feeling then it is fine.
  • Throw a handful of cement in the bucket having water, if particles float for sometime, it is genuine one.
  • Take a cement sample on a steel plate and heat it on stove. After sometime, if the color of cement changes then it is adulterated otherwise not.
Thus, you can differentiate the fake and genuine cement by going through some little efforts.


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