Soil - Formation and its importance

Formation of soil

Due to collision of internal moving earth's plates, the magma comes out on the upper surface of the earth. After a long time, the magma gets cold and gain a solid state. This solid state is called rock.

    After suffering from different weathering conditions like rain, wind , high temperature, sun etc. rocks are deteriorated in small or micro particles by the time. These particles form soil.

    Formation of soil is a very slow process. It takes year in crores.

Importance of soil in civil engineering structure

  • Soil is the first requirement to start any type of civil engineering project.
  • All structures are built on earth surface i.e. soil.
  • Soil provide a platform on which all works take place.
  • Soil covers the foundation of any structure.
  • Soil forms the brick by going through some special heat arrangement.
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