Tremix concreting method

 Tremix concreting method is the method of removal of surplus water from the concrete to maintain optimum water-cement ration by vacuum system. In this method, excess water is removed from fresh concrete by vacuum dewatering technique.

Equipment used in tremix concreting

  1. Vacuum pump 
  2. Top cover
  3. Filter pads and
  4. Power trowel
 Vacuum pump runs on electric motor or petrol engine and is fitted with a ring liquid pump. Top cover also called vacuum mat consists of two suction mats 6m x 7m. Filter pads restricts the particle of concrete to enter in pump.

Procedure of tremix concreting  
  • At first, concrete is placed on the site by common concreting procedure like placing, leveling, compacting etc.
  • After compaction of concrete surplus water is appeared on the upper surface of concrete floor.
  • Filter pads are placed on the fresh concrete leaving about 4 inches of fresh concrete exposed on all sides.
  • The top cover is then placed on the filter pads and rolled out till it covers the strips of exposed concrete on all sides.
  • After that, the top cover is connected to the vacuum pump through a suction hose and the pump is started.
  • The pump creates vacuum between the filter pads and the top cover. Due to this, atmosphere pressure compresses the concrete and the surplus water is squeezed out.
  • Immediately after vacuum dewatering, the flatness of concrete surface is checked and adjusted with a control tool.
  • Then finishing is done with power trowel.

Advantages of tremix concreting method
  • It increases the strength and abrasion resistance of concrete.
  • It minimizes the shrinkage & floor wraps.
  • It prevents the bleeding  of concrete.
  • It lowers the water content in the concrete by 15-25%.
Uses of tremix concreting 
  It is broadly used in industrial flooring, parking decks and bridges. It is preferable at the places where the surface is in contact with impact loading.

Thank you


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