
Nominal mix - Definition and grades.

The concrete proportion of M5 to M25 grade concrete are called Nominal mix.   Nominal mix is generally adopted for small scale constructions. In this type of mix, the mix ratios and concrete constituent proportions are prefixed and specified. Example- For M20 grade of concrete, the quantity of cement, sand aggregate is batched in volume as per the fixed ratio 1:1.5:3. Thank you.

How to identify fake and genuine cement ?

How to identify fake and genuine cement ? The answer of this question should be known to everyone because it is very useful in our practical life. So, now let me explain.   By doing some simple activity we can distinguish between the fake cement and genuine one. You can do these small efforts -  Open the bag and take a look at the cement. If any visible lumps are present and feel oily when it is touched, it is an adulterated or fake cement otherwise not. If you push your hand inside the cement bag and you get cool feeling then it is fine otherwise fake one. Take a pinch of cement and rub it between the fingers. If it give smooth feeling then it is fine. Throw a handful of cement in the bucket having water, if particles float for sometime, it is genuine one. Take a cement sample on a steel plate and heat it on stove. After sometime, if the color of cement changes then it is adulterated otherwise not. Thus, you can differentiate the fake and genuine cement by going through some little ef

Planning of building - Roominess and its principle.

Roominess is an important term used in planning of building.    Roominess is a psychological feeling about bigness or smallness of space or a room. This is a very interesting phenomena. It is common observation that a square room appears smaller than a rectangular room of exactly the same area.   It seems mysterious but there is a reason for it. A rectangular room has greater perimeter than a square room of the same area. When we assess the largeness of the rooms, our eyes take a few microseconds more to observe the rectangular room. Thus our subconscious judges the rectangular room as bigger.   In general, the length and breadth ratio of 1.5:1 to 2:1 is good for roominess. If length is increased beyond this, a bad effect sets and room appear even longer than it actually is. This effect is called tunnel effect.   The height of a room also plays an important part in roominess. The height should be such that we have to look up sufficiently to see the junction of wall and ceiling. If the

Soil - Formation and its importance

Formation of soil Due to collision of internal moving earth's plates, the magma comes out on the upper surface of the earth. After a long time, the magma gets cold and gain a solid state. This solid state is called rock.     After suffering from different weathering conditions like rain, wind , high temperature, sun etc. rocks are deteriorated in small or micro particles by the time. These particles form soil.     Formation of soil is a very slow process. It takes year in crores. Importance of soil in civil engineering structure Soil is the first requirement to start any type of civil engineering project. All structures are built on earth surface i.e. soil. Soil provide a platform on which all works take place. Soil covers the foundation of any structure. Soil forms the brick by going through some special heat arrangement. Thank you.

Wall finishes - Painting, its necessity, process etc.

Painting  -    Paints are the fluid materials which are used as a coating on a wall or other surface to finish it. When we apply paints as a coating for finishing the wall, the process is called Painting. Necessity of painting -  It protects the surface from weathering effects of the atmosphere. It prevents decay of wood and corrosion in metal. It gives good appearance to the surface. Characteristics of good paint - It should have good consistency with good covering materials in form of powder. It should not be toxic and should not harm the user. It should be economical. It should remain properly to the surface. It should give pleasant appearance to the surface. It should be fire and moisture resistance. It should be retained on the surface for long time. Ingredients of an oil paint - Base - It is the solid component of the paint exists in form of powder. It forms the bulk of a paint. Various bases are white lead, red lead, zinc oxides, iron oxide, titanium white, Al powder etc. Vehicl

Wall finishes - Pointing, its necessity and method.

Pointing  :-     Pointing is a process of finishing the mortar joints in the exposed masonry with suitable cement or lime mortar. It can be done just after the completion of the wall or later. Necessity of pointing  :- To protect the joints from weather condition. To improve the appearance of the building structure. It is comparatively a cheaper method of protecting the joints. For pointing generally two types of mortar is used. lime mortar  (1 : 2) cement mortar (1: 3) Method of pointing  :- All the mortar joints in the masonry are racked out to depth of 10 - 15 mm with the help of pointing tools. Dust and loose mortar are thoroughly cleaned. The joints and the surface are washed with clean water and kept wet for sometime. The joints are filled up with mortar by using small trowel, by pressing it into the joints to form a close contact with the old mortar joints. Excess mortar is scrapped away. The finished work is cured for 3-4 days in case of lime mortar and for 10 days when cement

Impact test on aggregate (IS:5640-1970)

  Objective - To determine the impact value of given road aggregate. Apparatus & materials required -  Impact testing machine. A cylindrical metal having internal diameter 75 mm and depth 50 mm. Tamping rod of 10 mm diameter and 230 mm long. IS sieve of sizes 12.5 mm, 10 mm and 2.36 mm. Balance Thermostatic oven Aggregate sample Theory - The aggregate impact value indicates a relative measure of the resistance of an aggregate to impact. The aggregate impact value is expressed as the percentages of fines formed in terms of the total weight of the sample.     Due to traffic loads, the road aggregates are subjected to impact and and there is possibility of aggregates breaking into smaller pieces. The road aggregate should be tough enough to resist fracture under impact. A test designed to evaluate the toughness of aggregate is called aggregate impact test.                                                       Aggregate impact testing machine Procedure -  The given road aggregate is si