PCC (Plain Cement Concrete) - definition, properties, uses and limitations

 PCC - Plain Cement Concrete

PCC is the concrete which is simply containing cement, sand, aggregates and water in suitable proportions. There are no reinforcement is provided in this type of concrete. It has much compressive strength than tensile strength. Practically, It has been observed that it is very weak in tension.

Material used in PCC

  • Cement - We can use any type of cement in PCC but Portland Pozzolona Cement is more common and suitable.
  • Sand - It should be hard, durable, strong, clean and well - graded.
  • Aggregates - They also should be hard, durable, strong and well graded. Fine aggregates act as fillers and coarse aggregates provide strength to the concrete.
  • Water - It should be potable i.e. it should be clean and free from injurious amounts of acids, alkalis, salts etc. The hardening of concrete is taking place due to chemical reaction between cement and water.
Properties of PCC 

Uses of PCC 
  • As a base for RCC foundation, ground floor and load bearing walls.
  • As DPC at plinth level.
  • As a coping on the top of parapet wall.
  • In making rigid pavement i.e. concrete roads.
  • It is also used in making retaining walls in the case of mass concrete structure.
Limitations of PCC
  • It is very weak in tension. So, It is not suitable in making roofs, beams and columns. Roofs or beams are subjected to compressive load as well as tensile load and they may easily fail if we construct them by PCC.
  • It is less ductile compare to RCC. Their ingredients may stripped out slowly if it is in the direct control of rain.
  • With respect to strength it provides, its weight is very much high. 
Thank you.
Gracious !


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