
Tremix concreting method

 Tremix concreting method is the method of removal of surplus water from the concrete to maintain optimum water-cement ration by vacuum system. In this method, excess water is removed from fresh concrete by vacuum dewatering technique. Equipment used in tremix concreting Vacuum pump  Top cover Filter pads and Power trowel  Vacuum pump runs on electric motor or petrol engine and is fitted with a ring liquid pump. Top cover also called vacuum mat consists of two suction mats 6m x 7m. Filter pads restricts the particle of concrete to enter in pump. Procedure of tremix concreting   At first, concrete is placed on the site by common concreting procedure like placing, leveling, compacting etc. After compaction of concrete surplus water is appeared on the upper surface of concrete floor. Filter pads are placed on the fresh concrete leaving about 4 inches of fresh concrete exposed on all sides. The top cover is then placed on the filter pads and rolled out till it cover...

Ready Mix Concrete (RMC) - Introduction, procedure, advantages and disadvantages

   Now a days, the use of  Ready Mix Concrete (RMC) in large construction work has been continuously increasing. RMC is a concrete that is scientifically manufactured in batching plant and transported to the site by transit mixer without affecting its fresh properties.   The transit mixer is of two types - In one type, dry concrete is made at the batching plant, loaded into agitator truck mixer and water is added during transportation. Thus wet concrete is formed. In the other type, mixed wet concrete is made at the batching plant discharged into the agitator truck mixers and transported to the site. The drum in concrete is made to rotate till the concrete is placed to keep the concrete in plastic state. Procedure  The raw materials are tested in the plant before its use to ensure compliance with relevant standards. This eliminates the possibility of quality problems in the end product. The aggregates of different sizes are stored in separate bins and mixed in d...

Tremie method of underwater concreting - Introduction, procedure and properties

    In the case of basements, sewerage and marine works, concrete needs to be placed under water. In this situation, a special type of concreting method is used which is called Tremie method. What is tremie?   A tremie is a water - tight pipe having diameter of 200 - 250 mm. It has a funnel - shaped hopper at its upper end and a loose plug at the bottom for discharge end. Tremie pipe is supported by a crane above the water level which is also used to lift up the pipe. It is easy to adjust the length of tremie pipe. What are the procedure of tremie method? Tremie method includes following procedure - At first, the tremie pipe is taken below the water, closing the bottom end with plug, by crane. Then it is made to rest at the point where the concrete has to be placed. After that, concrete having slump about 15 to 20 cm is poured into the funnel. When whole length of pipe is lifted up using power hoist. It is lifted up such that the bottom end of pipe lies inside the concret...

Describe the various process involved in purification of water.

 The purification of water means making the unhealthy water potable. The purification of water involves following steps - Screening - The first step of purification of water is screening. In this step, the floating matter of large size present in the water is removed. Screening prevents the pumps and other equipments from the possible damage due to floating matter of sewage. Aeration - The process of exposing large surface of water to the atmospheric air is called aeration. After screening, water is collected in a large aeration tank and aerated by compressed air. This process removes volatile substances and gases like Hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide causing bad taste and odor. It increases the oxygen level in water. Due to aeration, precipitate of iron and magnese is formed which are separated from water. Sedimentation - The process by which suspended particles settle down under the action of gravity is known as sedimentation. Now, aerated water is placed in the sedimentati...

CANAL - definition and classification

    A canal is an artificial channel constructed to carry water from a river, water tank or reservoir for different purposes like hydropower generation, irrigation, navigation etc.   An irrigation canal is the one which carries water from the source to the agricultural fields for the purpose of irrigation. Classification of irrigation canal based on discharge  Main canal - It is the leading canal of a network of irrigation channels. Its discharge capacity is very high. It is used to supply water to branch canals and major distributaries. It is mostly not used for direct irrigation.  Branch canal - It takes off from the main canal to either side. It carries a discharge of about 5 cumecs. Its main function is to supply water to major and minor distributaries. Major distributaries - They take off from the branch canals and sometimes from the main canal. They carry a discharge varying from 0.25 to 5 cumecs. They are mostly used for direct irrigation and supply water...

PCC (Plain Cement Concrete) - definition, properties, uses and limitations

 PCC - Plain Cement Concrete PCC is the concrete which is simply containing cement, sand, aggregates and water in suitable proportions. There are no reinforcement is provided in this type of concrete. It has much compressive strength than tensile strength. Practically, It has been observed that it is very weak in tension. Material used in PCC Cement - We can use any type of cement in PCC but Portland Pozzolona Cement is more common and suitable. Sand - It should be hard, durable, strong, clean and well - graded. Aggregates - They also should be hard, durable, strong and well graded. Fine aggregates act as fillers and coarse aggregates provide strength to the concrete. Water - It should be potable i.e. it should be clean and free from injurious amounts of acids, alkalis, salts etc. The hardening of concrete is taking place due to chemical reaction between cement and water. Properties of PCC  Uses of PCC  As a base for RCC foundation, ground floor and load bearing walls. As...

What is PVC ? What are the advantages of it as a construction material ?

  PVC - Polyvinyl chloride It is a vinyl polymer which structure is very much similar to polythene. It is produced by the free radial polymerization of vinyl chloride. In the recent years, the use of polyvinyl chloride has been increase in construction work due to their excellent property. It is resistance to fire, water, flame, and corrosion. It has light weight and great insulating property. As a building material, PVC is cheap and easy to assemble. It has become an alternative of conventional building materials like wood, concrete or clay. Advantages of PVC - Being a resistance to water, it is used to make shower curtains, water pipes etc. Being a hard plastics, it is used in window profiles, pipe, plumbing etc. It is extensively used in sewer industries for pipelines of the water. It is flexible. After addition of plasticizers, we can use it as roofing membranes and in electric cable insulation.  Thank you. Gracious! My Quora space My YouTube channel