Ready Mix Concrete (RMC) - Introduction, procedure, advantages and disadvantages

   Now a days, the use of  Ready Mix Concrete (RMC) in large construction work has been continuously increasing. RMC is a concrete that is scientifically manufactured in batching plant and transported to the site by transit mixer without affecting its fresh properties.

  The transit mixer is of two types - In one type, dry concrete is made at the batching plant, loaded into agitator truck mixer and water is added during transportation. Thus wet concrete is formed. In the other type, mixed wet concrete is made at the batching plant discharged into the agitator truck mixers and transported to the site. The drum in concrete is made to rotate till the concrete is placed to keep the concrete in plastic state.


  • The raw materials are tested in the plant before its use to ensure compliance with relevant standards. This eliminates the possibility of quality problems in the end product.
  • The aggregates of different sizes are stored in separate bins and mixed in desired proportions to get dense and impervious concrete.
  • The proportions of various ingredients in concrete mix is designed scientifically considering the required strength and other properties of concrete with an eye on economy.
  • Now, the concrete is transported to the site by concrete mixers.
  • At the end, concrete is raise to the height of building through pumps. Chemical plasticizers are used in concrete mix to get the required fluidity to the concrete without getting seggregate.

Advantages of RMC
  • It allows speedy construction through programmed delivery at site.
  • Usage of RMC reduces the labour cost and site supervising cost.
  • The consistency in the quality of concrete is maintained through accurate & computerized control of cement, aggregates and water as per mix designs.
  • Usage of RMC also reduces the wastage of raw materials during storage.
Disadvantages of RMC
  • It requires special formwork arrangements.
  • If the transit mixer is in not proper condition, there is a chance in the loss of quality of concrete.


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