To find out the silt content in sand

Objective - To find out the silt content in sand.

Apparatus required -  

  1.  A measuring cylinder (250 ml)
  2. Water
  3. Sand
Theory - A good quality construction sand should has particles of 150ยต to 4.75 mm. Particles smaller than this are classified as silt. The presence of excess quantity of silt in sand reduces the bonding capacity of raw materials and affects the strength and durability of work. 
It is recommended to conduct silt content test for every 20 ㎥ of sand.

Procedure - 
  • A 50 ml solution of 1% salt and water is prepared in the measuring cylinder.
  • The sample of sand is then added to the cylinder until the level reaches 100 ml.
  • 50 ml of the solution of 1% salt and water is again added to the measuring cylinder.
  • The open end of the measuring cylinder is closed and then it is shaken well.
  •  After 3-4 hours, it is noticed that a layer of silt is settle over the sand.
  • Now the volume of silt layer settle over the sand is taken as v1.
  • The volume of settle sand is taken as v2.
  • This procedure is repeated more than two times to get average.
Observation table -

Calculation -
                   percentage of silt content = (v1/v2) x 100
                   Average value = sum of % value of all sample / no. of procedure

Result - 
             The average % value of silt in the sample is ............

Thank you.



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