Overview of transportation engineering

 Transportation is the activity which facilitates physical movement of people and goods from one place to another.

Role of transportation

   Transportation plays an important role in the prosperity of a country. It contributes in all realm of developments such as economical development, industrial development, social and cultural one.

  • As much as we invest in transportation sector, we get much economic growth. Transport sector contributes to 6% of Indian GDP and the contribution is increasing continuously.
  • A developed transport system turns a local market into national market.
  • It increases the export import from the availability of raw material.
  • It connects the rural market or distributor to the cities.
  • It increases the productivity of different industries.
  • It promotes the globalization.
  • It improves the living condition of people.
  • It influence the formation of urban societies.
  • It exchanges the adoption of different culture.
Modes of transportation

There are mainly four modes of transportation. They are Roadways, Railways, waterway and Airway.

Roadways transportation
   A road is a route way or path between two or more places. This mode of transport helps to transfer the goods from one place to another place by road through various methods like auto, buses, trucks, cars and suitable means.
  In road transport, the chances of an accident are very high and it is also very risky.
Advantages of road transport -
  • It is very flexible in nature and provides door to door service.
  • It helps in movement of goods in remote areas.
  • It provides many options to travel in form of car, auto, bus etc.
  • It requires low capital investments.
  • It is very suitable for a short-distance journey.
Disadvantages of Road transport -
  • It is not suitable for long distance as it takes much time.
  • It is slow compared to railway and airway.
  • Goods cam be destroyed during movement due to poor condition of road.
  • The chances of accidents and breakdowns is more in road transportation.
Railway transportation
     This transportation needs special types of track which is called rail. It is preferable due to its high speed. Rail transport helps to provide administrative facilities to the government. The public servants and defense forces run their mobility from the railways.
Advantages of railways -
  • It is economical for long distances because it can easily cover all area of states and cities.
  • It is very faster than roadways.
  • Suitable for carrying bulky amount of goods.
  • It creates employment opportunities for both skilled and unskilled persons.
  • It is safest and dependable medium of transport.
Disadvantages of railways -
  • Huge invest require for construction and maintenance.
  • Not suitable for hilly area.
  • Not flexible like roadways.
  • Terminal operations are costly and time consuming.
  • It takes much time for booking of goods.
Water transportation

   In this transportation medium, movement of goods take place through oceans, seas and rivers. It requires ports for loading and unloading of goods. In water transport, the weight of goods are very large in comparison of other means. It is the backbone of international trade.

Advantages of waterways -
  • It is cheapest and easiest way of goods transportation.
  • It involves movement of bulk amount of goods.
  • It promotes international trade and generate a big part of revenue.
  • Risk factor is very low in this mean.
  • Goods like timber, coal are easily transported from one country to another one.
  • It becomes crucial in the war time.
Disadvantages of waterways -
  • It is slow medium of transportation in comparison of others.
  • Due to seasonal variations, its performance is adversely affected.
  • It can only run in oceans, sea and perenial river. Thus, its functional area is limited.
  • Not suitable for small business.
  • Practically, it is not for individual's travel.
Air transportation 

   As its name, it runs in the air. It is also called aviation. It does not require particular track for working operations. 

Advantages -
  • Fastest means of transportation.
  • Provides an efficient, regular and quick service.
  • Very useful in movement of individuals as well as goods.
  • Plays crucial role in establishing international relations.
  • Its importance increases in war, earthquake, floods and other disaster.
  • It is a sure medium for national security.
  • Suitable for emergency services.
Disadvantages -
  • A large investment requires.
  • Not suitable for working goods like timber, coal.
  • Costly. 
  • Risk of accidents is highest.
  • Requires a specialized skill and a high degree of training for working transportation.
Thank you.


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